Nassau DMR Net
When: Every Thursday at 1845 PM
Where: Nassau Chat on Nassau DMR or Nassau Co. Zone HS/S or HS/D Nassau Chat channel or TG 314355(BM) hot spot.
Check in: Early (1820) with kerchunk-ins (keying up repeater…wait for the beep…on channel) you will automatically be listed and receive no response.
Early check ins will be announced at the beginning of the net. All others will be taken during the net.
Nassau VHF Net
When: Thursdays after the Nassau County ARS DMR Net (~1930)
Where: 147.000 ARS VHF Repeater, -600 offset, Tone 127.3
Backup 146.835, -600 offset, Tone 127.3
EchoLink – (Node: 146835)
Nassau Ground Wave HF Net
When: Thursdays after the Nassau County ARS Analog Net
Where: 75 meters….to be announced on 147.000 a few minutes after the regular net
North Florida ARES 40 meter net.
When: Daily at 0900
Where: 7.197 Mhz LSB
Check in: Amateurs will be called to check in by region/county.
Other Nets:
North Florida ARES DMR Net
When: Wednesday at 1930 PM
Where: Nassau N FL ARES on Nassau DMR or Nassau Co. Zone
Knglnd N FL Ares channel on Camden Co. Zone (Kingsland repeater)
JB N FL ARES on Jax Beach Zone (Jax Beach repeater)
HS/S or HS/D N FL ARES on Hot Spot Zones or TG 31128 (BM) hotspot
Check in: Early (7:00) with kerchunk-ins (keying up repeater…wait for the beep…on channel) you will automatically be listed and receive no response.
Early check ins will be asked for traffic at the beginning of the net. All others will be taken during the net.